
This website is mainly contains information about programming languages and its importances. I have discussed about the application of programming languages.and also different types and examples of programming language.I have listed some trending programming languages at present in articles section of project.

Programming language is how user can communicate to computer to instruct it to perform one or multiple tasks. Not only computer, other machines also follow the instruction of programming language.like mobile phones, electronic devices , smart home devices. The development of programming language has now lead to the program that learns itself to perform task through experiences and failing multiple times; machine learning. Machine Learning , subset of Artificial Intelligence is really boon of the development of technology. Now Program can take decision explicitly without being hard coded. These things really seem magic , for even century ago . Those things which seemed impossible before are now being used commonly. This is all because of lot's of researchs and investigation. And i guess , if the same pattern of development continues than , the things which seem magic to us can really happen very soon .

Beside Artificial Intelligence , Software made with programming language can also be very powerful. All the paper works in the ancient time, were so time and resouces costly . But now all the files and documents can be saved in computer or even clouds in fractions of times. All the calculations which were so hard to do , now can be done with softwares in so much less time . It has really saved a lot of time and resouces of human beings. A school can use software prepared for school which completes almost all tasks to be done in school like , examination , result processing, automatic absent notification, student login , online bill payment, etc. And such other oranization can use software designed for those kind of organization. Or we can even create software of our own , according to our desires and wish. which is all possible of programming language.

Programming languages werent directly created and came in use. Evolutions of programming language has took place . Thos eevolutions or development phase were divided in certain parts.Languages has also been classified into types.like

I have disscussed about this things clearly in their individual articles .Articles contains brief information about all these topics. I have referenced different websites and different youtube channels for gathering knowledge available in this website . I also gained knowledge about programming languages.