Introduction to Programming Languages

Programming language is the medium to communicate with computer . It is generally easy to learn , understand ,and contains clear concept and logic. Program is the sequnces of instruction along with data. while executing the program , raw data is processed to a desired output. The program takes in input and produce output. A program that doesnot takes input , seems to be very less useful in the real world . Program deosnot always takes input through keyboard . sometimes input may be keyboard clicks or even mouse movements , etc. For example , if you click into link through mouse , then that click is input , and the page or anythinng it shows to you in return is output.

There are many programming languages used. Some of them are:

These languages are used in their own respective field. Table chart showing the programming language in their own respective fields are :

Programming Language Uses
Php Website Development , Scripting , etc
Python Scripting , Windows Application , Web Scraping, etc
Javascript Scripting , Website Development , UI designs, etc
C Compiler Design ,Device Drivers, etc
Java Mobile Applications,Mobile Applications,Scientific Applications etc

One programming languages can have multiple fields . Like you can see in the table above , Each programming languages have multiple fields and uses. Each Programming language have its own speciality. One might be more secure , but may have memory management issue . One may manage memory but may have security issue . so, its job of developer to build secure and usable program to solve the problem.